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Search results for: faculty social sciences humanities academic year 2324 course offerings department political

Showing items 1 through 9 of 1130.

  1. Undergraduate Academic Programmes

     are also available through the departments of the Faculty of Social Science and Humanities: Minor ... to students enrolled in the ROTP programme. The Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities offers a 30 ... . The Concentrations in Arts have been designed by the departments in the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities ...

    Score: 1.9892188 - URL:

  2. Undergraduate Political Science and Economics Courses

    Skip to page content Political Science courses Economics courses Geography courses Political ... Science courses POE102 Introduction to Political Science POE116 Introduction to international Relations ... in Political Science Economics courses ECE101 Introduction to Economics ECE103 Introduction to Microeconomics ...

    Score: 1.8456196 - URL:

  3. Canadian Military Colleges- Universities with a Difference

    in the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, Engineering or Science. MILITARY The military pillar develops ... , Majors and Minors are possible BUSINESS ... of the ROTP, N/OCdts receive a degree in the faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, Engineering or Science ...

    Score: 1.7913084 - URL:

  4. Undergraduate Political Science and Economics Programmes

    their first-year courses in social sciences and humanities. The first-year courses in political science ... outlines Related links Political Science and Economics courses Undergraduate arts programmes Department ... . In consultation with the Political Political Science Chaire, students will select courses each year to fulfil ...

    Score: 1.7873662 - URL:

  5. Academic Year 23/24 Course Offerings in the Department of Management

    Courses Offered-- Fall 2023 Course code   Course title AAF/BAE202   Financial Accounting I AAF ... 448   Selected Readings in Management BAE460   Cousumer Behaviour   Winter 2024 Course code   Course title AAF ... /BAE312   Taxation AAF/BAE314   Marketing Fundamentals AAF/BAE326   Human Resources Management AAF ...

    Score: 1.5351144 - URL:

  6. Academic Year 24/25 Course Offerings in the Department of Political Science and Economics

    Course Offerings in Political Science *Dual delivery Fall 2024 Course code   Course title POE ... in Politics (offered in Fall or Winter, one term only)   Winter 2025 Course code   Course title POE ... Political Institutions POE332   Public Administration in Canada POE372   Science, Technology, Politics ...

    Score: 1.4722636 - URL:

  7. Undergraduate Psychology Courses

    Science This course will introduce students to the broad problems in human-machine interactions ... in other courses offered by the department. The method of instruction (i.e., lecture, seminar, tutorial ... Skip to page content PSE103 Introduction to Human Psychology PSE105 Social Psychology PSE ...

    Score: 1.4605021 - URL:

  8. FAR- 2022 IQAP Review of the Bachelor of Arts Programs in History

    of Social Science and Humanities, the Head of the History department and program chair, faculty  members ... Response Over the past five years, the Department Head and the Dean of Social Sciences and Humanities have ... endeavored to reduce the teaching load to a maximum of 5 courses per faculty member  per academic year ...

    Score: 1.3965722 - URL:

  9. About the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities

    The Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities offer the following programmes leading to a Bachelor ... Department of Political Science and Economics Language Centre Undergraduate and Graduate Studies ... of Arts (BA): Humanities English, Culture, and Communication French, Literature and Culture History Social ...

    Score: 1.3782686 - URL:

  10. FAR- Results from the English Programme

    departments to hire sessionals which has been very helpful for the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities ... of Social Sciences and Humanities (Interim), Vice-Principal Academic, Head of English, Chief Librarian ... committees, such as Faculty Board and Faculty Council. The Dean of Social Sciences and Humanities commits ...

    Score: 1.3778665 - URL:
