“indispensable to my military and civilian career... ”
“taught me vital networking and professional discussion skills... ”
Royal Military College of Canada
For Students and Staff: Please contact the RMC Success Centre at SuccessCentre-CentredeSucces@rmc-cmr.ca if you have any questions about academic support and/or other services and supports available to you at RMC. We’re here for you!
Students and Staff
Future Students
- Apply to Regular Officer Training Plan (ROTP) by 31 January
- Your Goal - an Officer in the Canadian Armed Forces
- Admissions
- Officer Cadet Recruit Joining Instructions
- Joining Instructions for the Indigenous Leadership Opportunity Year (ILOY)
- Military Post Graduate Joining Package
- Programmes
- Athletics
- Campus tours
Work at RMC
Select RMC Videos
- Explore the Royal Military College of Canada
- March through the Arch Ceremony
- Life as a first year cadet at the Royal Military College of Canada
- The Indigenous Leadership Opportunity Year (ILOY)
- First Year Orientation Period
- Badging Parade | First Year Orientation Program
- Royal Military College of Canada Graduation 2023
RMC is located on the traditional homelands of the Hodinöhsö:ni, Anishinaabek, and Huron-Wendat Peoples. We recognize their strength and wisdom; their stewardship of the land and water, the plants and animals. Together let's commit to learning about, and learning with, Indigenous Peoples and honouring the Nation-to-Nation relationships Canada continues to build with Indigenous Nations, from sea to sea to sea.
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