Rapport au Conseil des Gouverneurs du CMR par le groupe d'étude Withers
Examen du Programme de premier cycle au CMR Excellence équilibrée :
élément moteur des forces armées du Canada à l'aube du nouveau millénaire
4500-240 (ADM (HR-Mil))
Le 24 septembre 1998
- Arend, A., et al., ed., International Law and the Use of Force (London, 1993: Routledge)
- Arrighi, G., The Long Twentieth Century: Money, Power and the Origins of Our Times (N.Y., 1994: Verso Press)
- Bellamy, C., Knights in White Armour: The New Art of War and Peace (London, 1997: Random House)
- Bercuson, D., Significant Incident (Toronto, 1996: McClelland and Stewart Inc.)
- Bond, B., The Pursuit of Victory: From Napoleon to Saddem Hussein (Oxford, 1996: Oxford Univ. Press)
- Damrosch, L.F., Law and Force in the New International Order (Boulder, 1991: Westview Press)
- Delanda, M., War in the Age of Intelligent Machines (N.Y., 1991: M.I.T. Press)
- Demko, G.J., ReOrdering the World: Geopolitical Perspectives on the 21st Century (Boulder, 1994: Westview)
- Desbarats, P., Somalia Cover-Up: A Commissioner's Journal (Toronto, 1997: McClelland and Stewart)
- English, J., Lament for an Army: The Decline of Canadian Military Professionalism (Toronto, 1998: Irwin Publ.)
- -------, Failure in High Command (Ottawa, 1995: The Golden Dog Press)
- Friedman, G., The Future of War: Power, Technology and American World Dominance in the 21st Century (N.Y., 1996: Random House)
- Gray, C.H., Postmodern War: The New Politics of Conflict (N.Y., 1997: The Guilford Press)
- Hackett, Gen. Sir John, The Profession of Arms (London, 1983: Sidgwick and Jackson Ltd.)
- Hampson, F.O. et al., eds., Canada Among Nations: Big Enough to be Heard (Ottawa, 1996: Carleton Univ. Press)
- Holsti, K. The State, War, and the State of War (Cambridge, 1996: Cambridge Univ. Press)
- Howard, M., The Lessons of History (Oxford, 1991: Clarendon Press)
- Huntington, S.P., The Soldier and the State (N.Y., 1964: Vintage Books)
- -------, The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order (N.Y., 1996: Touchstone)
- Janowitz, M., The Professional Soldier: A Social and Political Portrait (N.Y., 1960: The Free Press)
- Keegan, J., A History of Warfare (Toronto, 1994: Vintage Books)
- Kennedy, P., Preparing for the 21st Century (Toronto, 1993: HarperCollins)
- Klein B.S., Strategic Studies and World Order (Cambridge, 1994: Cambridge Univ. Press)
- Knutsen, T., A History of International Relations Theory (Manchester, 1992: Manchester Univ. Press)
- Luttwak, E.N., Strategy: The Logic of War and Peace (Cambridge, 1987: Harvard Univ. Press)
- Morton, D., A Military History of Canada (Edmonton, 1985: Hurtig Publishers)
- Murray, W., et al., eds., The Making of Strategy (Cambridge, 1994: Cambridge Univ. Press)
- Posen, B.R., The Sources of Military Doctrine (Ithaca, 1984: Cornell Univ. Press)
- Rodal, B., The Somalia Experience in Strategic Perspective (Ottawa, 1997 : Ministre des Travaux publics)
- Roseneau, J., Along The Domestic-Foreign Frontier (Cambridge, 1997: Cambridge Univ Press)
- Ruggie, J.G., Winning the Peace (N.Y., 1996: Columbia Univ. Press)
- Stanley, G.F.G., Canada's Soldiers (Toronto, 1960: MacMillan Co. Ltd.)
- Sullivan, G.R., Hope is not a Method (N.Y., 1996: Random House)
- Svechin, A.A., Strategy (Minn., 1992 East View Publ.)
- Van Creveld, M., Technology and War (N.Y., 1991: The Free Press)
- -------, The Transformation of War (N.Y., 1991: ??????)
Rapports, études et documents
- Carnegie Corporation, Preventing Deadly Conflict (1997)
- Ministère de la Défense nationale, Manuel du perfectionnement professionnel des officiers (1997)
- -------, Livre blanc sur la Défense 1994
- -------, Rapport du Comité ministériel sur les Collèges militaires du Canada (1993)
- -------, Rapport du Conseil de perfectionnement des officiers (Le Rapport Rowley) (1969)
- -------, Le Rapport Kitchen sur le perfectionnement des officiers (1985)
- -------, Le Rapport Lightburn sur le perfectionnement des officiers (1986)
- -------, Le Rapport Evraire sur le perfectionnement des officiers (1988)
- -------, Le Conseil de révision du perfectionnement professionnel des officiers (le Rapport Morton) (1995)
- -------, Un document à l'intention du ministre de la Défense nationale par Desmond Morton (1997)
- -------, Un document à l'intention du ministre de la Défense nationale par le Dr J.L. Granatstein (1997)
- -------, Un document à l'intention du ministre de la Défense nationale par le professeur Albert Legault (1997)
- -------, Un document à l'intention du ministre de la Défense nationale par D.J. Bercuson, PhD, MSRC (1997)
- -------, Achieving a Degreed Officer Corps: the Implementation of the Minister of National Defence Recommendation #10 (1998)
- -------, The Royal Military College de 1997 à 1999 (1998)
- Dickinson, R., Cadet Exposure to Ethics and Leadership in Faculty of Arts Courses (RMC: 1998)
- Dooley, J., Environmental Specific Divisions Within RMC (RMC: 1998)
- Dunnett, P., RMC Academic Costs and Civilian University Costs: A Production Function Approach (RMC: 1997)
- Environics, Results of a Survey Among Officer Cadets at RMC (1998)
- Jablonsky, D., Why Is Strategy Difficult? (US Army War College, 1992)
- -------, Doctrinal Change and Continuity and the Revolution in Military Affairs (US Army War College, 1994)
- Marsh, Col H.J., Officer for the 21st Century: Academic Education in Natural Science, Engineering and Military Technology (RMC: 1998)
- Roman, Maj P., Ethical Failure: Principal Solution (RMC: 1996)
- Rapport du Vérificateur général, Gestion des ressources humaines au MDN (1990)
- -------, Le maintien de la paix (1996)
- RMC Departure Survey, Prepared by Major A.E. Carty and Officer Cadet P.A. Jardine (RMC: 1997)
- Sullivan, Gen. G.R., Land Warfare in the 21st Century (1993)
- U.S. Senate, Defense Organization: the Need for Change (1985)
- U.S. House of Representatives, Education in the US Military Forces (the Skeleton Report) (1989)
- U.S. Department of Defense, Conduct of the Persian Gulf War (1992)
- U.S. Naval Academy, Honor, Courage, Commitment (1998)
- U.S. Department of the Army, Educating Army Leaders for the 21st Century (1998)
- U.S. Naval Academy, The Higher Standard: Assessing the U.S. Naval Academy (1997)
- Capt M. Villeneuve et capt C. Gingras, Rapport de l'étude sur la perception des élèves-officiers du climat organisationnel du Collège militaire royal du Canada (CMR : 1998)