Archived RSF allocations

Performance Indicators and Outcomes 2023-24

Eligible Expenditure Area Institutional Performance Objective IndicatorUsed RSF funds to support software upgrades Output Outcomes Reported at Year-End
Management and Administration of an institution's Research Enterprise Increase the volume and processing time of grant and award applications by upgrading our ROMEO Software Number of award applications processed  Used RSF funds to support software upgrade Number of award applications processed has increased
Management and Administration of an institution's Research Enterprise To support salaries for Administrative staff to grantee support and rapid processing times. Satisfaction survey of  award recipients  Portion of RSF fund used to support Administrative Salaries Our year-end survey on client satisfaction indicates that there is overall satisfaction with the level of administrative support.
Management and Administration of an institution's Research Enterprise To pay for overheads associated with the management of Tri-Council funds ensuring that financial support for contractors (Payroll) as well as, Security Screening, Audit Expense, Liability Insurance. Tri-council supported employees payroll contracts are processed in a timely manner, Security Screenings are processed quickly allowing access to computers and buildings Portion of RSF fund used to support Financial Overhead Expression of satisfaction by tri-council supported students and researchers
Management and Administration of an institution's Research Enterprise Offer regular and updated training To maintain a current and knowledgeable staff Operational efficiency increases due to a well-trained staff. Portion of RSF fund used to support staff training. Application submission and success rates are maintained, staff report high job satisfaction
Resource Expenses Purchase of monographs and serials for RMC Library. Researchers have access to key monographs and journals in all key strategic research areas. Used RSF Funds to Support Library  RMC researchers are satisfied with their level of access to library resources.  Use of inter-library loan services remain consistent.

Overview of how RMC has allocated its grant funds under each of the five expenditure categories (organized by fiscal year) for the previous 5 years

RSF Expenditures Last Year
2022-2023 2021-2022 2020-2021 2019-2020
Management and administration of the institution's research enterprise
Salaries $324,301.33 $109,764.58 $295,607.47 $367,504.00 $396,324.46
EDI Costs $173,417.91 $15,235.87      
Administrative Costs $162,788.79 $167,341.67 $162,295.36 $138,518.30 $145,088.66
Research facilities
Library Maintenance $163,884.00 $149,172.16   $100,000.00 $135,000.00
Software $4,817.00 $9468.88 $3,777.00 $24,000.00 $29,545.00
Research Resources
Membership $16,000.00 $8,000.00 $16,125.00 $8,000  
Training Development Contractors   $354,010.67 $164,145.26 $102,658.38 $77,522.65
Administrative Costs (other) $3,208.41 $5,655.97 $32,035.03 $42,720.63 $13,276.13
Notional Amounts $848,417.44 $818,649.80 $673,985.12 $783,401.31 $796,756.90
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