2024 Bachelor of Military and Strategic Studies Cyclical Program Review Implementation Plan Update of Cycle 2

Implementation Plan

Recommendation Proposed Follow-up Responsibility for Leading Follow-up Timeline for Addressing Recommendation

1. Core Curriculum: we recommend that the appropriate authorities at RMC consider making a marginal alteration in the Core Curriculum to permit a small amount of greater flexibility for students

This is a college wide process and extends beyond the terms of references of the MSS Chair

MSS chair and the Dean of SSH Note: To be reviewed once recommendations 2 and 3 are completed as the need to revise the Core curriculum may be addressed. As background information, RMC, in conjunction with CMR-St-Jean and CFC, is currently undergoing a college-wide review of the academic pillar
2. MSS curriculum: we recommend that the MSS curriculum be revisited with an eye to providing a broader and more relevant course matrix, and that the reforms of the course matrixes in History and Political Science recommended in their IQAP reports to reduce duplication and addresses gaps be informed by the needs of the MSS program. In their IQAP reports, both History and Political Science Departments have recommended changes in their curriculum with impact on MSS curriculum.

MSS Chair;

MSS Program committee in consultation with the Dean of SSH

Target: 2024-2025 with a revision every two years (maximum). In consultation with the MSS Chair, both the History and Political Science departments have already taken measures to address issues of duplication and gaps

3. MSS Program Committee: we recommend that the Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities convene a permanent standing MSS Program Committee to consider the MSS curriculum. MSS Committee could be pursued as a future step to formalize the inter-programmes cooperation  and to enhance MSS initiatives.

MSS Chair, History and Political Science heads and the Dean of SSH in consultation with the office of the registrar

Initiate in fall 2023
Action 2024-5
4. MSS courses: we recommend that the MSS Program be given the right to mount their own courses when in the view of the MSS Program Committee a course should be offered.

The implementation has resource implications for new courses. The program has suggested exploring including MSS topics in existing MSS mandatory courses.

MSS, History and Political Science Heads in consultation with the Dean of SSH and the registrar Course review by MSS committee in 2024-2025
5. Library: because of the significant problem posed by the lack of access to JSTOR, we recommend that this matter be pursued at the most senior level to the appropriate authorities. This recommendation needs to be met ASAP in order to facilitate research and teaching at more generally to diversify the pedagogical resources including peer viewed and primary references.

MSS Chair, Chief librarian, Dean of SSH, Department Heads, and VPA in consultation with the Principal

Fall 2024

Administration: we recommend that:

  1. The chair of the MSS be allocated an office.
  2. The MSS Program be allocated an appropriate budget each year to offset the non-course costs.
  3. An administrative staff person be identified whose responsibility it would be to advise students on course access.
  4. The MSS information on the RMC website be kept up to date.
MSS Program committee MSS Chair, Dean of SSH and VPA.

Partially complete

  1. Done
  2. To be reviewed annually. The current significant budget cuts across DND have affected this implementation, as well as other recommendations (such as points b and c) involving new budget allocations
  3. After a needs analysis – if possible.  2024-2025
  4. Updated Summer 2024


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