Dr. Thomas Krause

Dr. Thomas Krause
BSc., MSc., PhD., Professor
Sawyer Building, Room 3311
(613) 541-6000 ext 6415; CSN 271-6415
Department of Physics and Space Science

College Address

Royal Military College of Canada
PO Box 17000, Station Forces
Kingston, Ontario, CANADA
K7K 7B4

Dr. Krause is an expert in non-destructive testing (NDT) of materials using eddy current and ultrasonic techniques.

Thomas W. Krause received the B.Sc. degree from the University of Calgary, Calgary, AB, Canada, in 1987, and the M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees from McMaster University, Hamilton, ON, Canada, in 1989 and 1992, respectively, all in physics. He was with the Applied Magnetics Group, Queen's University, Kingston, ON, Canada, from 1992 to 1996. In 1996, he held a position as Physicist with Canadian Nuclear Laboratories, developing non-destructive testing technology for the nuclear industry. In 2006 he accepted a position as Associate Professor with the Royal Military College of Canada. In 2008 he was promoted to full professor. He has 24 years of research and development experience on advanced NDT technology including pulsed eddy current, eddy current, magnetic Barkhausen noise, and ultrasonic testing of materials and structures.

R&D in NDT includes laboratory experimentation and computer modeling in the area of:

  • Eddy current testing
  • Multi-frequency eddy current testing
  • Pulsed eddy current
  • Remote field eddy current
  • Probability of detection
  • Ultrasonic testing

Recent Publications

  • S. Contant, G. Klein, J. Morelli, and T. W. Krause, ‘Inverse Algorithm for Extraction of Multiple Parameters using Analytical Model of Eddy Current Response’, Journal of Applied Physics, Vol.131 (20) 2022. Invited
  • T.W Krause, A.K. Krause, P.R. Underhill and M. Kashefi, ‘Modeling Magnetization Processes in Steel under Stress using Magnetic Objects’, Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 131 (17) 2022. Invited
  • P.R. Underhill, T.W. Krause, ‘Crack Detection Around Raised Head Rivets in Aluminum Aircraft Structures’, Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation, 40, 95, October (2021) 40:95.
  • M. Kashefi, T.W. Krause, P.R. Underhill, A. Saleem and S.P. Farrell, ‘Decoupling the Effect of Stress and Microstructure on MBN Response in Cast Q1N Steel’, Materials Science and Technology, 37:15, Oct (2021), Pgs. 1225-1235N. (DND).
  • A.K. Krause, P. R. Underhill, T. W. Krause and L. Clapham, ‘Magnetic Flux Density Superposition in Nonlinear Anisotropic Ferromagnetic Material and Resulting Magnetic Barkhausen Noise’, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol. 57 (11), Nov. 2021, Pgs. 1-7.
  • P. F. D. Bennett, P. R. Underhill, J. Morelli, and T. W. Krause, ‘Monitoring of LISS Nozzle Proximity to CANDU® Fuel Channels using the Eddy Current Gap Probe’, IEEE Sensors Journal, Vol. 21 (21), Nov. 1, 2021, Pgs. 24782-24790.
  • M. Kashefi, L. Clapham, T. W. Krause, P. R. Underhill and A. K. Krause, ‘Stress Induced Self Magnetic Flux Leakage at Stress Concentration Zone’, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol. 57, No. 10, Pgs. 1-8, Oct. 2021
  • M.J. Aquilina, P.R. Underhill, T.W. Krause, ‘Pulsed Eddy Current Analysis of Cracks under Rivets on Aircraft’, CINDE Journal, Apr/May/June 2021 Pgs. 6-10. (DND)
  • P. F. D. Bennett, M. Topping, P. R. Underhill, J. E. Morelli, M. R. Daymond, and T. W. Krause, ‘Effects of Heat Treatment on CANDU® Pressure Tube Electrical Resistivity’, Journal of Nuclear Materials, Vol. 545, March 2021, 152597.
  • T. Rellinger, P.R Underhill, T.W. Krause, D. Wowk, ‘Combining Eddy Current, Thermography and Laser Scanning to Characterize Low-Velocity Impact Damage in Aerospace Composite Sandwich Panels’, NDT&E International, Volume 120, June 2021, 102421. (DND) D. Wowk.
  • I.C. Eddy, P.R. Underhill, J. Morelli and T. W. Krause, ‘Pulsed Eddy Current Response to General Corrosion in Concrete Rebar’, Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation, Diagnostics and Prognostics of Engineering Systems, Nov 2020, 3(4): 044501 (5 pages).
  • I.A. Akhlagi, S. Kahrobaee, A. Akbarzadeh, M. Kashefi and T.W. Krause, ‘Predicting hardness profile of steel specimens subjected to Jominy test using an artificial neural network and electromagnetic nondestructive techniques’, Nondestruct. Test. and Eval., Vol. 36 (4), 459-475, 2021.
  • Y. Kelidari, M. Kashefi, M. Mirjalili M. Seyedi and T.W. Krause, ‘Eddy current technique as a nondestructive method for evaluating the degree of sensitization of 304 stainless steel’, Corrosion Science, Volume 173, 15 August 2020, 108742.
  • M.S. Luloff, S. Contant, J. Morelli, T.W. Krause, ‘Simultaneous Extraction of Multiple Parameters from a Transmit-Receive Eddy Current Probe above a Layered Planar Conductive Structure’, Nondestructive Evaluation, Diagnostics & Prognostics of Engineering Systems, 3 November, 2020, 041104 (5 pages).
  • A. Saleem, P.R. Underhill, and T. W. Krause, ‘Non-contact measurement of residual magnetization caused by plastic deformation of steel’, Nondestructive Evaluation, Diagnostics & Prognostics of Engineering Systems, Aug 2020, 3(3): 031111 (4 pages).
  • Y. Fu, P.R. Underhill and T.W. Krause, ‘Factors Affecting Spatial Resolution in Pulsed Eddy Current Inspection of Pipe’, Journal of Nondestruct. Eval., Vol. 39, 34, May 2020.
  • P.R. Underhill, T. Rellinger, T.W. Krause, D. Wowk, ‘Eddy Current Array Inspection of Damaged CFRP Sandwich Panels’, Nondestruct. Eval., Diagn. & Progn. of Engineering Systems, ASME J Nondestructive Evaluation. Aug. 2020, 3(3): 031104 (8 pages).
  • T.W. Krause, A. Saleem, P.R. Underhill, ‘Towards a Physics Based Model of Magnetic Barkhausen Noise in Steel’, Advanced Materials Letters, Vol. 11 (6), 20061526. March 14, 2020. .
  • A. Saleem, P.R. Underhill, S.P. Farrell and T.W. Krause, “Magnetic Barkhausen Noise Measurements to Assess Temper Embrittlement in HY-80 Steels”, IEEE Transactions in Magnetics, Vol. 56 (3) March 2020, Pgs. 1-8.
  • A. Saleem, P. R. Underhill, D. Chataway, T. Gerritsen, A. Sadri and T.W. Krause, ‘Electromagnetic Measurement of Molten Metal Level in Pyrometallurgical Furnaces’, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation & Measurement, Vol. 69 (6) June 2020 Pgs. 3118-3125. .
  • C. Uemura, P.R. Underhill, T.W. Krause, ‘Estimating POD for Cracks about Ferrous Fasteners without Fastener Removal’, NDT & E International, Vol. 107 pp. 10214, 9 Pgs. 2019.
  • G. Klein, M.S. Luloff, J. Morelli, T.W. Krause, ‘Evaluation of Concentric Tube Model for Pressure Tube to Calandria Tube Gap Measurement’, IEEE Sensors Journal, Vol. 19,(15) August 2019 Pgs. 6233.
  • T.W. Krause and P.R. Underhill, ‘Selecting the Correct Electromagnetic Inspection Technology’, Advanced Materials Letters, Vol. 10, July 2019, Pgs. 441-448.


A complete list of publications is available at ResearchGate.

Graduate Students

  • Laura Burchell
  • Keith George
  • Frank Hawkins
  • Michael Mills
  • Billy Thorpe


Comments or suggestions are welcomed at: bryce.bennett@rmc-cmr.ca

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