Table of Credit Granted


For questions regarding Transfer Credits and Prior Learning Assessment

Graduate Studies
Programme contacts


If you are enrolled in a degree at RMC and have completed a course not listed on the table, or one taken outside the date range, please contact for information on possible credit.

Note: * An asterisk, or star, indicates codes created for PLAR database purposes only


Air Force

Course/Qualification Title Code Military Credits
4702 Computer Services Sqn, Computer Programming Course (RSSF/JSS) before 2008. CPC* created for PLAR database purposes only 3 Jr Arts
Advanced Aerospace Operations Course (AAOC/AFOAC) after 1996. Course no longer active as of 2006. AAOC/ COFANA 1 Jr Arts + 1 Sr Arts
Advanced Tactical Aviation Course (ATAC) 2001-2014. AIPG 1 Jr Arts
Aerospace Engineering Officer Basic Course before 2006. ADAM 1 Jr Sc in Arts
Aerospace Engineering Officer Basic Course 2006-2014 ADAM 1 Jr Sc in Sc
Aerospace System Projects Course before 2017. AEPA 7 Jr Sc in Arts
Aerospace System Projects Course after 2016 AEPA 7 Jr Sc in Arts 

This total includes any UG credits completed as part of the University of Manitoba’s Aerospace Management program to a maximum of seven credits.

AERE Officer Prep Course (APC) (AOBT Phase III) 1991 - 2013. APC/CPA 1 Jr Sc in Sc + 2 Jr Sc in Arts
Airborne Electronic Sensor Operator (AES Op) QL5 (before 2009). AAFT 1 Junior Sc in Arts (may be used for MAE103)
Air Combat Systems Officer (ACSO) Course AJQT/ AKGA 1 Jr Sc in Arts
Air Force Officers Basic Course (AFOBC) 1997-2006. AITH 1 Jr Arts Psyc + 1 Jr Arts
Air Force Officer Development (AFOD) 116901 1 Jr Arts Psyc + 1 Jr Arts
Air Force Staff Course 1992-1997 course no longer active since 1997 (credit will be given for AFAH or AFAX, not both). AFAX 2 Jr Arts
Air Pilot Course (to Wings standard) before 2006. 32A 2 Jr Arts
Air Pilot Course (to Wings standard - Phase II) after 2005. 32A 1 Jr Sc in Arts
Air Traffic Control (ATC) IFR Control Qualification - Provide copy of CF ATC License before 2005. ATC* created for PLAR database purposes only 4 Jr Cr
Air Traffic Control (ATC) Basic Course before 2008. Course no longer active. BATC* created for PLAR database purposes only 1 Jr Arts
Basic Electronic Warfare Course after 1994. AHUV 1 Jr Sc in Arts
CC130 - Basic Tactical Airlift Navigation (Navigators) before 2008 (credit will be given for ADJR or ADLY/AJJF, not both). ADJR 1 Jr Arts
CC130 - Basic Tactical Airlift (Pilot) before 2008 (credit will be given for ADJR or ADLY/AJJF, not both). ADLY/AJJF 1 Jr Arts
CF Air Navigation School - Air Navigation Course before 2007. 31A-BANC 31B-BANC* created for PLAR database purposes only 3 Jr Cr (2 Jr Arts + 1 Jr Sc in Arts)
CF Air Navigation School - Air Navigation Course (2007-2011). ADAF/ AJQTcreated for PLAR database purposes only 1 Jr Sc in Arts
CP140/A Acoustic Sensor Officer - before 2009. ADJG 1 Jr Sc in Arts
French Air Force Staff College Course before 2008. FAFSC* created for PLAR database purposes only 4 Sr Arts
Fighter Electronic Warfare Advanced Radar Course (FEWAR) 2005-2012. ADKT 1 Jr Sc in Arts
Met Tech - 121 1994-2016. AAHJ-QL5A 1 Jr Arts
Performance Oriented Electronics Training (POET) Course - Course report required (all dates) Basic, Intermediate and Modulation required (credit will be given for POET or COMET XH and/or XG but not for both POET and COMET). POET /CEOP 2 Jr Science in Arts (includes 1 Credit Granted as equivalent to CSE260 or BAE220)
Staff Air Navigation Course 1995-2009. ADIS 1 Jr Arts
Tactical Electronic Warfare Instructor Course (TEWIC). Course Report required. All Academic portions required. TEWIC (120473) 2 Jr Sc in Sc
Tactical Electronic Warfare Instructor Course (TEWIC). Course Report required. All Academic portions required except Major Project. TEWIC (120473) 1 Jr Sc in Sc
UK RAF Empire Test Pilot School (ETPS) Course in conjunction with the University of Portsmouth. UK-ETPS* created for PLAR database purposes only 7 Sr Sc in Sc + 2 Jr Sc in Sc
UK RAF Staff College Course before 2008. UK-AEZP 6 Sr Arts
USAF Electronic Warfare Officer (EWO) Course before 2008. US-EWO* created for PLAR database purposes only 1 Jr Arts
US Air Command and Staff Course 1989-2007. US-AFSC* created for PLAR database purposes only 6 Sr Arts
US Operational Test and Evaluation Course (OTEC). US-AIBI (CF designation awarded) 1 Sr Arts (Psych)


Course/Qualification Title Code Military Credits
Advanced Artillery Surveyor before 2008. AFCV 1 Jr Sc in Arts + 1 Sr Sc in Arts
Army Operations Course (AOC) - Regular force only - before Sep 06 (full course only; no credit for SRP version). AIUH (AOC) 1 Jr Arts
Army Operations Course (AOC) - Regular and Reserve force - starting Sep 06 - Dec 14 (full course only; no credit for SRP version) with completion of an History essay assessed by the RMC History Department. Have topic pre-approved. Receive a passing grade. AIUH (AOC) 1 Jr Arts
Army Operations Course (AOC) - Regular only - after 2014. AIUH (AOC) 2 Jr Arts
Army Technical Warrant Officer (ATWO) Programme 2003-2004 (Course Report/Transcript required). AHNY 4 Jr Sc in Arts
Army Technical Warrant Officer (ATWO) Programme after 2003 (Course Report/Transcript required). AHNY 8 Sr Sc in Arts RMC-CMR (includes 1 Credit Granted as equivalent to CCE204)
Artillery Air Defence - Assistant Instructor-In-Gunnery before 2010. (Credit will be given for for one of AIUR/AJUL/AJUJ or ADIG/ADHX or 05867/AABN.  Course report required with PO showing Instructor (or Assistant Instructor) in Gunnery duties). 05867/AABN 4 Jr Sc in Arts
Artillery - Assistant Instructor-In-Gunnery After 2009. (Credit will be given for one of AIUR/AJUL/AJUJ/AJTH or ADIG/ADHX or 05867/AABN.  Course report required with PO showing Instructor (or Assistant Instructor) in Gunnery duties). AIUR(Gun) AJUL(Op) AJUJ(AirDef) AJTH(STA) 2 Jr Sc in Arts
Artillery - Instructor-In-Gunnery - Air Defence (ADIG) and Field (ADHX) after 1997.  (Credit will be given for for one of AIUR/AJUL/AJUJ or ADIG/ADHX or 05867/AABN.  Course report required with PO showing Instructor (or Assistant Instructor) in Gunnery duties). ADIG(Air Def)ADHX (Field) 3 Sr Sc in Arts
Artillery Staff Duties 2000 to 2004. Course no longer active. ADIB 1.5 Sr Arts
Artillery Officer Operations 2004 - 2017. Current course is under review by PLAR. AJBI/103830 1 Sr Arts
Australian Army Command and Staff College Course before 2008. AUST-AEZQ* created for PLAR database purposes only 2 Sr Arts
Canadian Land Forces Staff Course 1974-97 (credit will be given for AFAY or 06955, not both). Course no longer active since 1997. AFAY(YR) 1 Jr Arts
CF Staff School 1974-1994 (credit will be given for AFAX or AFAH, not both). Course no longer active since 2006. AFAH 2 Jr Arts
CF Surveyor Topo Trg Program, (QL 4) before 2008. TOPO-QL4* created for PLAR database purposes only 2 Jr Arts
Company Sergeant Major Course - QL 7 before 2008. CSM-QL7* created for PLAR database purposes only 0.5 Jr Arts
ENGR Phase I to III before 2008. 24A-PHI-III* created for PLAR database purposes only 0.5 Sr Sc in Arts
ENGR Phase IV before 2008. 24A-PHIV* created for PLAR database purposes only l Jr Arts + 1 Sr Sc in Arts
ENGR Air Ops before 2008. 46A 1 Sr Sc in Arts
Field Officer Exams (both FOE Administration and FOE Tactics courses must be complete to earn credit) before 1994. FOE* created for PLAR database purposes only 1 Jr Arts
Land Force Command and Staff Course (CF) 1999 and 2000 (credit will be given for 06955 or AFAY, not both). 6955 3 Jr Arts
Land Forces Technical Staff Course/Programme (LFTSP) / Army Technical Staff Officer Programme (ATSOP) (RMC) after 1997 (course report/transcript required). AEOZ 8 Sr Sc in Arts RMC-CMR (includes 1 Credit Granted as equivalent to CCE204 )
LEME/EME Officer Basic Course PH IV before 2005. 43A-PHIV* created for PLAR database purposes only 1 Jr Arts
Master Gunner Course - CF CTC Before 2003. Course no longer active since 2003 as it was replaced by ATWO. AHNY 4 Jr Arts
Transition Command and Staff Course before 2008. Course no longer active since 2007. 7908 (TCSC) 1 Jr Arts
UK Army Staff College Course before 2008. UK-AEZO 6 Sr Arts
UK Combat Arms Fighting Systems (CAFS) 1998-2006. UK-CAFS* created for PLAR database purposes only 7 Jr Sc in Arts + 1 Sr Sc in Arts
UK Gunnery Staff Locating Course (Basic Science & Technology Component) before 2008. UK-ADHZ 1 Jr Sc in Arts + 1 Sr Sc in Arts
UK Royal Military College of Science (Div I, Div II) 4H (APAU) (UK Technical Staff Course) before 2008. UK-TSC* created for PLAR database purposes only 7 Sr Arts
US Armour Officer Advanced Course before 2008. US-AOAC* created for PLAR database purposes only 1 Jr Arts
US Army Field Artillery Captain's Career Course before 2008. US-AFACCC* created for PLAR database purposes only 2 Jr Arts
US Army J.F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center School Psychological Operations Course before 2008. US-POC* created for PLAR database purposes only 1 Sr Arts Psyc
US Army Peacekeeping Institute Negotiators Course before 2008. US-06789* created for PLAR database purposes only 1 Sr Arts
US Army Sergeant Major Course (prior to 04) replaced by course below after 03. US-ASMC-b2004* created for PLAR database purposes only 1 Jr Arts
US Army Sergeant Major Course (04-08). US-ASMC* created for PLAR database purposes only 2 Jr Arts and 2 Sr Arts
US Intelligence in Combating Terrorism (US Army Intelligence School) before 2008. US-ICT* created for PLAR database purposes only 1 Jr Arts
Course/Qualification Title Code Military Credits
Canadian Standard Mine Warfare after 2004. 109128 AJJZ (O) AJLF (NCM-MR) 1 Jr Sc in Arts
CFR Combat Systems Engineering Bridging Course CFR-ENG* created for PLAR database purposes only TBD based upon specific courses completed by student, course outlines required.
Electrical Technician - 331 E Tech before 2002. ETech-QL5A 4 Jr Sc in arts
Electrical Tech (331 E Tech) after 2001. ETech-QL5A 4 Jr Sc in Sc
Information Management Director (IMD) 2006-2017. Current course is under review by PLAR. AJMS (Off) AJOP (NCM) 2 Jr Sc in Arts
Marine Engineering Technician QL5 MAR ENG TECH. MARENGTech-QL5 5 Jr Sc in Sc
Marine Engineering Technician Rank Qualification (00367) AKTO 5 Jr Sc in Sc
Maritime Tactical Programmer Analysis (before 1993) / Process Control Software Analysis, CF Fleet School 1993-2008. AEJP 4 Jr Arts
Command & Control Information Systems Officer - (CCIS) after 2010. AEEC 1 Jr Sc in Arts and 2 Jr Sc in Sc
Clearance Diving Officer / Clearance Diver QL5 / Clearance Diver QL4. ADFR / AIUJ / ABHB 1 Jr Sc in arts
MARS Officer 71B Operations Room Officer Course after 1995. AEEU 3 Jr Sc in Arts
Naval Combat Systems Engineering Officer (NCS ENG) after 2007. AIRX 1 Junior Sc in Sc or 2 Junior Sc in Arts
Naval Electronics Technician, Acoustic 283 - NE Tech(A) before 2002. NETech(A)-QL5A 6 Jr Sc in Arts
Naval Electronics Technician, Communications 284 - NE Tech(C) before 2002. NETech(C)-QL5A 6 Jr Sc in Arts
Naval Electronics Technician, Tactical 285 - NE Tech(T) before 2002. NETech(T)-QL5A 6 Jr Sc in Arts
Naval Electronics Technician, Manager 286 - NE Tech(M) before 2002. NETech(M)-QL6A 6 Jr Sc in Arts
Naval Electronics Technician (NE Tech) before 2012. NETech-QL3 1 Jr Sc in Arts + 4 Jr Sc in Sc
Naval Electronics Technician (NE Tech) before 2012. NETech-QL5 1 Jr Sc in Arts + 4 Jr Sc in Sc, + 2 Sr Sc in Sc
Naval Weapons Technician - 065 NW Tech before 2002. NWTech-QL6A 4 Jr Sc in arts
Naval Weapons Technician (NW Tech) before 2012. NWTech-QL5 1 Jr Sc in Arts + 6 Jr Sc in Sc
Naval Weapons Technician (NW Tech) before 2012. NWTech-QL3 4 Jr Sc in Sc
Junior Weapons Engineering Technician (JR WENG TECH). JR WENG TECH / TECH GA subalterne 5 Junior Sc in Sc + 1 Jr Sc in Arts (includes 1 credit for MAE103 and 1 credit for PHE104(2))
Naval Weapons Engineering Technician System Maintainer (WENG TECH Sys Main). WENG TECH Sys Main) / TECH GA spèc MAINT SYS) 7 Jr Sc in Sc
Naval Signalman - 262 (converted to 277 Naval Communicator) before 1998. NAVSIG/SIGNAV-QL6A 2 Jr Sc in Arts
Naval Communicator -Communications Information Systems and Networks (CISN) Operator after 1997. AIXC - QL5A / ZAGL - QL5A 1 Jr Sc in Arts
Naval Electronic Sensor Operator (NES Op) - Senior Electronic Sensor Operator before 2012. AAXN-QL5A AIXB-QL5A 1 Jr Sc in Arts
Sonar Operator Senior Acoustic Sensor Operator (SONAR OP QL5) + Sonar Control Supervisor (SONAR OP QL6) after 2004. AIJE/AIXI -QL5A+AIXJ-QL6A 1 Jr Sc in Sc
Submarine Warfare Director 2009-2014. AILT 1 Sr Sc in Arts
Underwater Warfare Director (UWWD) after 1997. AEEL (Off) AAVZ or AIXK (NCM) 2 Jr Sc in Sc
UK Electronic Warfare course (HMS Dryad) before 2008. UK-EWC* created for PLAR database purposes only 1 Jr Arts
US Navy/International EOD - Advanced Explosive Ordinance Disposal EOD Phase 1 and Phase 2 (Surface) and Phase 2 (Navy). US-NA-IEOD* created for PLAR database purposes only 1 Jr Arts
US Navy Drug and Alcohol Counsellor Course before 2008. US-NDACC* created for PLAR database purposes only 1 Jr Arts

MARS Officer (71) upon completion of any two of: (students may earn credit for either the combination of any two as listed below or, when only one course has been completed, for the credits listed for the individual courses, not both).

Course/Qualification Title Code Military Credits
  • Shipborne Air Control - AEDQ(SAC).
  • Fleet Navigating Officer - AEEA (FNO).
  • Command & Control Information Systems Officer - AEEC (CCIS).
  • Deep Draft Navigating Officer - AEEE (DDNO).
  • Deck Officer - AEDS (Deck O).
  • Above Water Warfare Director - ALBU/AEEK(AWWD)/AAXP before 2015.
  • Minor Warship Navigating Officer - AEFF(MWVNO).

Or any one of the following three:

Course/Qualification Title Code Military Credits
Fleet Navigating Officer - (FNO). AEEA 1 Jr Sc in Arts
Above Water Warfare Director - (AWWD). ALBU/AEEK/AAXP 1 Jr Sc in Arts
Command & Control Information Systems Officer - (CCIS) before 2011. AEEC 1 Jr Sc in Arts


Course/Qualification Title Code Military Credits
Advanced Leadership Programme (ALP) started after Mar. 2014 AINV 1 Jr Arts
Advanced Military Studies Course (AMSC) ver 5 and 6 before 2005. After this date see RMC Graduate Calendar for credit information. AMSC* created for PLAR database purposes only 2 Sr Arts
Argentine Naval Command and Staff College Course before 2009. Argn-NCSC* created for PLAR database purposes only 6 Sr Arts
Canadian Security Studies Programme (CSSP): 1 Credit may be obtained toward POE490 with completion of an essay set and assessed by RMC after 2006.

CSSP* created for PLAR database purposes only

1 Sr Arts
Caribbean/Jamaican Junior Command and Staff Course 1993-1996. CJCSC* created for PLAR database purposes only 1 Jr Arts
CF Command and Staff College Course (Toronto) started before 2005. AFAZ (YS) 6 RMC-CMR Sr Arts
CF Command and Staff College Course (Toronto) /Joint Command Staff Programme (JCSP) started in 2005 or 2006. CFCSC-05-06* created for PLAR database purposes only 8 Sr RMC-CMR Arts
CF Command and Staff College Course (Toronto) /Joint Command Staff Programme (JCSP) started in 2007 or later. CFCSC-JCSP* created for PLAR database purposes only  2 RMC credits for completion of JCSP and one RMC credit for each credit on the JCSP transcript earning a minimum B-.

CF Training Development Centre (must have all courses in sub-serial for credit) after 1997.

  1. Advanced Instructional Techniques + Instructional Supervisor. (before 2014)
  2. Training Analysis, Design and Evaluation + Training Validation after 1997.
  3. Interactive Courseware Design 1999-2003.
  1. 06679/AIMU+AHCJ/AEWP
  2. AIDD(includesAEXD,AHDQ)+AIBF
  1. 1 Jr Arts
  2. 1 Sr Arts
  3. 0.5 Sr Arts
COBOL Programmer Course - NDHQ before 2008. COBOL* created for PLAR database purposes only 1 Jr Arts
Common Electronics Training (COMET) - Digital Computer Principles before 1996 (credit will be given for POET or COMET XH and/or XG but not for both POET and COMET). XH/9L 2 Jr Sc in Arts
COMET - Solid State Devices before 1996 (credit will be given for POET or COMET XH and/or XG but not for both POET and COMET). XG 2 Jr Sc in Arts
COMM Research 291 QL 3 + 5A  2001-2014. ABBA-QL3 + ABBH-QL5A 1 Jr Sc in Arts (CSE/INF260)
Defence Intelligence Analysis Course (DIAC) ALCR 1 Sr in Arts (Politics) 
Imagery Analysis - Basic before 2010. AIMX 1 Jr Sc in Arts (or/ou 0.5 Jr Sc in/en Science)
Imagery Interpretation. Course no longer active since 2001. AFGJ 2 Jr Arts
Intelligence Officer - Basic Course. (Credit given for only one of these codes) AJEL-Sea;AJEM-Land;AJEN-Air 1 Jr Arts
Intelligence Operator (QL6A) before July 2006. AAGW-QL6A 4 Jr Arts
Intelligence Operator (QL6A) after  June 2006. AJET-Air; AJER- Sea;AJES-Land 1 Jr Arts
Intermediate Leadership Qualification (ILQ) PLUS Modules 3 and 4 of HIE208 after 2002. Documentation: ILQ course report and evidence of completion of Modules 3 and 4 of HIE 208. ILQ+* created for PLAR database purposes only 1 Jr Arts Credit Granted as equivalent to HIE 208
Joint Reserve Command and Staff Course (JRCSC) before JRCSP 12. JRCSC/ CCEMIR -bv12* created for PLAR database purposes only 1 Jr Arts
Joint Reserve Command and Staff Programme (JRCSP) after JRCSC 11 and before 2010. JRCSP/PCEMIR-av11* created for PLAR database purposes only 4 RMC-CMR Sr Arts
Logistics Finance Officer Course -1997-2003. 03811 1 Jr Arts Business
Medical Technician QL3 after 2003. Med Tech / Tech Med QL/NQ3 1 Jr Sc in Arts + 1 Jr Sc in Sc
Middle Management Course before 1994. Course no longer active since 1999. AFAT(YH) 1 Jr Arts
Militia Command and Staff Course (MCSC) before 2006. Course no longer active replaced by P Res AOC. MCSC/CCEM* created for PLAR database purposes only 2 Jr Arts
National Defence College before 2008. NDC/CDN* created for PLAR database purposes only 2 Sr Arts
National Security Studies Seminar (NSSS): before 2007 with completion of an essay set and assessed by RMC, 1 credit may be used towards POE490. NSSS* created for PLAR database purposes only 1 Sr Arts
NATO Defence College before 1997. Course no longer active. AEZE(WC) 2 Sr Arts
NBC Defence Staff Officer/ Advanced CBRN Defence Officer after 1994. AEHZ(AB) 04923/ AIOM 2 Sr Sc in Arts
NBC Officer - Mobile Unit (Both Officer & NCM courses) before 1994. AEIJ/AGXV 1 Jr Sc in Arts
NBC Officer - Static Unit before 1994. AEII 1 Jr Sc in Arts
NBC: These two courses were replaced by: 1994-2001 NBC Defence Supervision (Sea), NBC Defence Supervision (Land), NBC Defence Supervision / Sqn NBC Defence Officer (Air). AEJB, AEJC, AEJD 1 Jr Sc in Arts
NBC: These three courses were replaced by one course: 1997-2016. Unit NBC Defence Officer/NCO. AINN AINO 4922 1 Jr Sc in Arts
O-DP2 F - War and the Military Profession (completed in 2000/01 only). ODP2F 1 Jr Arts
OPDP 6 - National and International Studies (completed prior to 1 Sep 00). OPDP6 2 Sr Arts
OPDP 7 - War and the Military Profession (completed prior to 1 Sep 00). OPDP7 2 Sr Arts
Pearson Peacekeeping Training Centre 4 week C99 courses including: Management, Command and Staff Course. PPC / CPP 06798 2 Sr Arts
Pearson Peacekeeping Training Centre 10 day courses including: C01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 08, 11, 12, 16, 25, 26, 44, 50, 77 and CS 46. Credit may be obtained with completion of an essay set and assessed by RMC. No more than two such courses may be claimed for credit in this manner. Course no longer active since 2005. PPC / CPP* created for PLAR database purposes only 1 Jr Arts
Physician Assistant Program, CF Medical Services School. Course Report Required. 2001-2016. AIQQ 20 Sr Sc in Science
Primary Leadership Qualification (PLQ) started after Nov. 2015 + Intermediate Leadership Programme (ILP) started after May 2013. AINR + AINU 1 Jr Arts
Public Affairs Officer Course - Basic (BPAOC) 2006-2010. ADEP 2 Jr Arts
Public Affairs Officer Course - Basic (BPAOC) after 2010. ADEP 5 Jr Arts and 5 Sr Arts
Senior Appointment Programme (SAP) started after Dec. 2013. AGMM 1 Jr Arts
Senior Intelligence Operations Officer (SIOO) AJQY 1 Jr Arts in Politics
Senior Leadership Programme (SLP) started after Oct. 2014. AINW 1 Jr Arts
Space 200 (SP200) (National Security Space Institute - USA) SP200 2 Jr Sc in Science (Physics)
Technical ELINT/RADAR Analyst after 1999. AIFD 1 Jr Sc in Arts
Technical ELINT/RADAR Analyst Intermediate after 2001. AIGZ (course/cours EA-280) 1 Jr Sc in Arts + I Jr Sc in Sc
Strategic Defence Intelligence Analyst Course (SDIAC) 2004-2015. AEUR 1 Sr in Arts (Politics)

UK Royal College of Defense Studies Course. (before2008)

UK-AEZD 6 Sr Arts
US Armed Forces Staff College Course before 2008. US-AEZT(WC) 2 Sr Arts
US Public Affairs Officer Course (1997 to 2005). US-PAOC* created for PLAR database purposes only 3 Jr Arts
USMC Command and Staff College Course (1994-1997). US-AEZW 6 Sr Arts
US Marine Corps University Expeditionary Warfare course after 2004. US-MCUEWC* created for PLAR database purposes only 5 Sr Arts + 1 Jr Arts

Non-Military Credit

Course/Qualification Title Code Military Credits
Canadian Institute of Financial Planning - Certified Financial Planner 4 x 200 level courses after 2000. CIFP 1 Jr Arts Business
Canadian Institute of Financial Planning - Certified Financial Planner 4 x 200 level courses + 301 Program Review and Evaluation Course after 2000. CIFP 1 Jr Arts Business + 1 Jr Arts General
Canadian Institute for Non-Destructive Examination (CINDE) Magnetic Particle Levels 1 & 2. CINDE-MPL1&2 1 Junior Sc in Physics (When taken with other 3 CINDE courses also provides exemption from PHE104 Lab/PHE135.)* created for PLAR database purposes only
Canadian Institute for Non-Destructive Examination (CINDE) Eddy Current Levels 1 & 2. CINDE- ECL1 &2 1 Junior Sc in Physics See (* created for PLAR database purposes only)
Canadian Institute for Non-Destructive Examination (CINDE) Ultrasonics Levels 1 & 2. CINDE- UL 1 &2 1 Junior Sc in Physics See (* created for PLAR database purposes only)
Canadian Institute for Non-Destructive Examination (CINDE) Radiography Levels 1 & 2. CINDE - RL 1&2 1 Junior Sc in Physics See (* created for PLAR database purposes only)
Canadian Police College Executive Development Course before 2005. CPC-EDC 1 Jr Arts
Canadian Police College Major Crime Investigative Techniques (MCITC) 2007-2013. CPC-MCITC/ CTEGG 1 Jr Arts (Psyc)
Canadian Police College Tactical Intelligence Analysis (TIAC) 2007-2013. CPC-TIAC/CART 1 Jr Arts (Credit Granted as equivalent to PSE211)
Canadian Police College Network Intrusion and Incident Investigation (NETINT) 2007-2013. CPC-NETINT / INTRES 1 Jr Sc in Arts
Canadian Police College Senior Police Administration (SPAC) 2007-2013. CPC-SPAC/CAPS 1 Jr Arts
Hydro One Networks Metering Technician. Level 1 1 Junior Sc in Arts
Hydro One Networks Metering Technician. Level 2 & 3 1 Junior Sc in Sc
Project Management Professional (PMP) Certification. PMP 1 Sr Business Admin - suitable substitute for BAE442
Purchasing Management Association of Canada (PMAC) for all 4 Principle courses before 2010. PMAC/CAQ 2 Jr Arts
Transport Canada (TC) Commercial Pilot License - Aeroplane (TC written examination results required) (Credit given for Military Piolt or Commercial Pilot, but not both) Pilot 1 Jr Sc in Arts
U of M CE Accounting for Managers 1993 to 1998. 427-004 1 Jr Arts
U of M CE Decision Making and Change Management 1993 to 1998. 523-005 1 Jr Arts Business
U of M CE Environment and Functions of Management 1993 to 1998. 528-006 1 Jr Arts Business
U of M CE Decision Making and Change Management + U of M CE Environment and Functions of Management 1993 to 1998. 523-005 + 528-006 1 Sr Credit Granted as Equivalency to BAE432. 1 credit for BAE432 will be granted or 2 junior credits, but not both.
U of M CE Managing HR 1993 to 1998. 324-05 1 Jr Arts
U of M CE Quality Assurance Planning 1993 to 1998. 326-001 1 Sr Arts Business
U of M CE Strategic Planning and Policy Management 1993 to 1998. 423-006 1 Sr Arts Business
U of Winnipeg - Division of Continuing Education Information Assurance and Security Certificate (all four courses) after 2006. IASC 1 Jr Computer Sc
UK Higher National Certificate (HNC) (Specific courses required). UK-HNC Dependent upon courses completed
UK (Edexcel, a Pearson Company) Level 4 BTEC Certificate for Teaching in the Lifelong Learning Sector Level 4 BTEC 3 Jr Arts

Language Credits

Note: Language credits are applicable to the following degree programmes only: BMASc (Honours), BMASc, BA (General), BSc (General). These credits are not applicable to certificates.
Course/Qualification Title Code Military Credits
Language Profile - Credits will be awarded based on a minimum profile of BBB. Profile must be valid at time of application. Maximum 6 credits. C and E have the same credit value. BBB 1 Jr Arts
Language Profile. CBB 1 Jr Arts; 1 Sr Arts
Language Profile. BCB 1 Jr Arts; 1 Sr Arts
Language Profile. BBC 1 Jr Arts; 1 Sr Arts
Language Profile. CCB 1 Jr Arts; 2 Sr Arts
Language Profile. BCC 1 Jr Arts; 2 Sr Arts
Language Profile. CBC 1 Jr Arts; 2 Sr Arts
Language Profile. CCC 1 Jr Arts; 3 Sr Arts
A further two credits may be awarded on the same basis for other languages, subject to formal testing, for a maximum of 6 language credits.
  • BBB (Or a minimum score of 2 on 2 of the 3 skills)
  • BBB+ (plus a minimum score of 3 on any one skill)
  • (BBB) 1 Jr Arts
  • (BBB+) 1 Jr Arts + 1 Sr Arts
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