This service is available to all RMC faculty, staff, and students. To facilitate processing of your requests, please read the following:
Pre-ordering procedure
Check the Queen's University library catalogue for the item. (Only officer cadets from the ROTP/RETP programs can make requests for resources held at Queen's; other patrons must contact the university directly.) Items not held at any Kingston libraries may be requested on interlibrary loan.
Note: Professors and students of RMC are also able to borrow items directly from all other Canadian university libraries. Exception: undergraduates may not borrow directly from the University of Toronto or from universities in Quebec.
Types of items available:
The following items can normally be obtained from other libraries:
- books
- journal articles
- conference proceedings
The following items can sometimes, but not always, be obtained from other libraries:
- theses
- technical reports
- recently published materials
The following items are not available for loan from libraries and should either be consulted on site, or ordered directly by the patron. The library can assist in supplying contacts.
- Complete issues of journals (photocopying of more than 10% of a publication is a violation of copyright law)
- Patents - Canadian and U.S. patents are available at:
- Standards, except for:
- ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials) - Select MyStandards and read the license agreement. To accept it, select Yes, I agree with the License
Other standards can be ordered at: IHS or Techstreet.
- Rare and/or fragile books (special collections) and archival materials
- Reference books (encyclopedias, atlases, etc.)
- Audiovisual materials, i.e. videos, DVDs, CDROMs, films, cassettes and other sound recordings.
Please note that only resources that support teaching and research at the college can be ordered. Items for personal use can be obtained through your local public library.
Copyright & ILL
Copies of articles or documents provided through this interlibrary loan service are made according to the limits specified under Canadian Copyright Law, or under the terms of the agreement the university has with Access Copyright. Generally this means that you may request a single copy of one article from one journal issue, or more than one article provided the total number of pages does not exceed 10% of the issue (the latter condition applies when the journal publisher is represented by Access Copyright). If your request exceeds the limits and a legal copy is not commercially available, you will be advised that your request cannot be filled.
Submission of the interlibrary loan request constitutes agreement that the materials received will be used for the purpose of research or private study only, and that the requestor has not previously received a copy of the article/document being requested.
Procedure for ordering
- Request only 1 item per Interlibrary Loan form
- Provide complete bibliographic information about the item.
- Include the date needed by.
- Provide your name, dept. or squadron no., e-mail address and telephone no.
- Bring to the library or send your request via e-mail to the Massey Library .
The following documents are available for downloading or viewing in PDF:
InterLibrary Loan Request (Book or chapter of a book) 28 February 2012 (88 Kb)
InterLibrary Loan Request (Conference or conference paper) (83 Kb)
InterLibrary Loan Request (Journal article) 28 February 2021 (81 Kb)
InterLibrary Loan Request (Thesis) 28 February 2012 (80 Kb)
For more information on accessing these files, please visit our help page .
Return of items on loan
The college is a net borrower and is dependent on other libraries for materials. To maintain good relations with other institutions, please return items promptly. Failure to do so could result in the loss of library privileges.
Borrowing at other universities
Through a reciprocal arrangement, RMC students, faculty, and staff are permitted in-person borrowing of materials at other university libraries. In most cases, all that is required is an RMC photo id or Inter-University Library Borrowing card . For more information, please consult the Canadian University Reciprocal Borrowing Agreement .
Borrowing materials from RMC
Individuals who are not affiliated with RMC and who wish to borrow materials must do so through their own organizational or municipal library. Libraries can e-mail requests to the Massey Library .
The following items are not available for loan from RMC:
- Complete issues of journals (also, photocopying more than 10% of a publication is a violation of copyright law)
- Patents
- Standards.
- Rare and/or fragile books (special collections) and archival materials
- Reference books (encyclopedias, atlases, etc.)
- Audiovisual materials, i.e. videos, DVDs, CDROMs, films, cassettes and other sound recordings.
For help, send an e-mail to the Massey Library.