David K. Varey

David K. Varey
David K. Varey
Ph.D. Assistant Professor, History Coordinator, Division of Continuing Studies
(613) 541-6000 ext 6224; CSN: 271-6224
(613) 541-6056
Department of History

College Address

Royal Military College of Canada
PO Box 17000, Station Forces
Kingston, Ontario, CANADA
K7K 7B4

Dr. Varey graduated from the Royal Military College (RMC) in 1989, serving first as field artillery officer before pursing an academic career. He is a graduate of both the MA (1995) and PhD (2005) War Studies programmes at RMC. His PhD dissertation examined British foreign policy in the context of the World Disarmament Conference and Anglo-French relations between 1932 and 1934. Since 2002, he has taught for the Department of History and for three years, beginning in 2005, he served in the Principal's Office at RMC, as the Project Coordinator and Liaison Officer. He now also coordinates the department's history courses for the Division of Continuing Studies.

University Degrees

  • Ph.D. (Royal Military College)
  • M.A. (Royal Military College)
  • B.A. (Royal Military College)

Research Interests

  • Modern European history
  • 19th and 20th Century British foreign policy
  • World Disarmament Conference, 1932-34
  • Strategy and strategists

Courses Taught

  • HIE 203 - Introduction to Canadian Military History
  • HIE 208 - Canadian Military History: A Study of War and Military History, 1867 to the Present
  • HIE 271 - Introduction to Military History and Thought
  • HIE 470 - Strategy and Strategists
  • WS 500 - Theories of War from the Eighteenth Century to the Present


  • Varey, David K., 'The Politics of Naval Aid: The Foreign Office, the Admiralty, and Anglo-Soviet Technical Co-operation, 1936-37', Diplomacy and Statecraft 14(2003), 50-68.
  • Varey, David K., 'Making Eyes at Japan: Neville Chamberlain, the Foreign Office, and the Dilemmas of British Security, 1934', in Coleman, G. ed. The McNaughton Papers (The Canadian Journal of Strategic Studies, Winter 1995/96), 25-46.
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