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Search results for: college commandants office sackets harbor naval actions lake ontario

Showing items 1 through 9 of 998.

  1. Sackets Harbor and naval actions on Lake Ontario

    In early 1813, the main American forces concentrated at Sackets Harbor. Their naval and military ... capital, at the other end of the Lake.   A contemporary drawing of Sackets Harbor in September 1815 ... formations under Commodore Isaac Chauncey and Major-General Henry Dearborn dominated both Lake Ontario ...

    Score: 2.2973552 - URL:

  2. Prizes and Awards

    Commander (CWC) in their graduating year. The MacArthur Leadership Award Awarded to the naval or officer ... Technical Officers Certificate (ATO) Graduate Studies Prizes & Awards   General Information Naval ... . Dominion Cadetships A Dominion Cadetship may be granted by the Minister of National Defence to a naval or officer ...

    Score: 1.283885 - URL:

  3. ARCHIVED- History Gallery

    commanded all naval forces on the Lakes of Canada during the War of 1812. He had a distinguished service ... record prior to his appointment to Canada and, although he did not fight any major action on Lake Ontario ... he came to Canada in 1813 as one of Yeo's officers. He served on Lake Ontario and, at various ...

    Score: 0.7485858 - URL:

  4. RMC History and Heritage

    a naval station on Lake Ontario. In 1783, Governor-General Frederick Haldimand ordered the establishment ... of Quebec from 1777 to 1786. This scenic location, at the junction of Lake Ontario and the St. Lawrence ... ’s Harbor, New York. The attack was unsuccessful and the following May, the Royal Navy took command ...

    Score: 0.63271713 - URL:

  5. Royal Military College of Canada Action Plan on Institutional Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion

    and develop creativity and promote innovation and excellence.   Download pdf version royal_military-college-of-canada-edi-action ... and the Commandant The history of Royal Military College of Canada (RMC) dates back over 140 years ... Malardier-Jugroot Vice-Principal Research Office of Research Royal Military College of Canada List ...

    Score: 0.6288742 - URL:

  6. Point Frederick artillery battery

    Kingston. Perhaps this attack came as retaliation for the earlier Canadian one on Sackets Harbor, but more ... were built on Amherst and Snake Islands, Lemoyne Point and Lake Ontario Point to control the approaches ... likely American commander Chauncey felt his squadron sufficiently strong to destroy Anglo-Canadian power ...

    Score: 0.55951804 - URL:

  7. Canadian Military Colleges- Universities with a Difference

    Universities with a difference The Four Pillars of Achievement Naval and Officer Cadet Life at RMC Naval ... Occupations vs Academic Programmes   Royal Military College of Canada Kingston, Ontario (613) 541-6000 ext ... (RMC) in Kingston, Ontario, and Royal Military College Saint-Jean (RMC Saint-Jean) in Saint ...

    Score: 0.5142846 - URL:

  8. Strategic importance

    and the owner, Dr. S. Southmayd.   During the war, British naval operations on the Lake Ontario were centered ... the provincial capital, York, the Niagara Peninsula, and further garrisons west. Control of Lake Ontario would ... of 1812 around Lake Ontario, with the locations of Windsor, Queenston, Hamilton, Toronto/York, Kingston ...

    Score: 0.47264284 - URL:

  9. Launch of HMS St. Lawrence

    warship construction at the new Sackets Harbor naval base just across the lake, the Anglo-Canadian forces ... Geographically Lake Ontario was landlocked because of rapids in the St Lawrence River down ... . Lawrence never saw action, her sustained and powerful sailing presence and the success of this Royal Naval ...

    Score: 0.46100712 - URL:

  10. News from the department

    where there is a relative one. The article employs three case studies, debates on Canadian naval policy ... Army War College monograph is the result of the 16th annual Kingston Consortium on International ... in the Gray Zone, Canadian Special Operations Forces Command, March 2023.  In international relations, nation ...

    Score: 0.44033974 - URL:
