Nicholas Vlachopoulos

Nicholas Vlachopoulos
Nicholas Vlachopoulos
Professor, PhD, CD, PEng, PE(Gr), FEIC, FEC
Sawyer Building, Room 2310
(613) 541-6000 ext 6398 CSN:271-6398
(613) 541-6218
Department of Civil Engineering

College Address

Royal Military College of Canada
PO Box 17000, Station Forces
Kingston, Ontario, CANADA
K7K 7B4

Dr. Nicholas Vlachopoulos Professional Website (Please Click HERE)

  • Director, RMC Green Team
  • Research Director, GeoEngineering Centre at Queen's-RMC,
  • Research Director, Civil Engineering Department, RMC, Kingston, Ontario
  • Cross-Appointed Professor, Geological Sciences and Geological Engineering Department, Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario
  • Cross-Appointed Professor, School of Environmental Sciences, Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario

Dr. Nicholas Vlachopoulos (BASc, MASc, rmc, PhD Queen's University) is a Distinguished Professor of Civil Engineering at the Royal Military College of Canada. Cross-appointed at Queen's University and is a Director at the Queen's-RMC GeoEngineering Centre.

He is also the co-Director of the RMC Green Team that addresses Sustainable Infrastructure and Environmental Engineering issues within the Canadian Department of National Defence. For his innovative solutions to environmental issues, he was awarded the DND Deputy Minister's / Chief of Defense Staff Innovation Award.

He specializes in the optimization of support systems of underground works, rock mechanics, geotechnical monitoring and military sustainability. He uses physical testing and/or field scale observation combined with analytical techniques in order to improve the state of the art. Relevant research topics are cited below.

He is a professional engineer (in Canada and in Europe) with over 25 years of experience in geotechnical / geological engineering, sustainability works and project management on major construction and research projects.

He has worked at well over 150 locations nationally and internationally.

In addition to his Professional Engineering License in Ontario, he also holds a Professional Engineering License in the European Union.

In 2023, he was inducted as a Fellow within the Engineering Institute of Canada (FEIC) for "Excellence in Engineering and services to the profession and to society".  Dr. Vlachopoulos was also recently awarded the Thomas Roy Award by the Canadian Geotechnical Society (CGS) for “outstanding contribution to Engineering Geology in Canada”; This is the Premier Engineering Geology Award in Canada. He is also the past Engineering Geology Division Chair for the CGS and Canadian Representative of the IAEG.

Research Interests:

Geotechnical / Geomechanical Engineering

  • Underground Excavation Stability and Support Design for Weak Rock Tunnelling
  • Numerical Analysis / Modelling of Environmental and Geotechnical Problems (improvements to modelling techniques)
  • Near-face response of tunnels in weak, tectonized rockmasses
  • Physical Testing of Tunnel / Ground Support
  • Improvement of ground characterization techniques using machine learning and Artificial Intelligence
  • Integration of Geomechanics and Geomatics
  • Hazard Assessment and Risk Management in Geotechnical Works
  • Optimizing tunnel, mining and underground bunker design(s) and construction techniques
  • Improving design, maintenance and operation for military geotechnical works
  • Responsible Tunnelling to include Sustainable Solutions

Environmental Engineering (RMC Green Team)

  • Green Building / Sustainable Development Technologies
  • Optimization of Military Infrastructure – Domestic and Deployed
  • Reduction of Greenhouse Gases due to Military Operations
  • Monitoring of Energy Usage and Alternative Technologies
  • Optimization of Water and Sewage Treatment Plants
  • Environmental Impact Assessments of Engineering Projects

The RMC Green Team GeoWorks Lab as well as the Geomechanics and Geohazards Group ( at Queen's University is part of the GeoEngineering Centre at Queen's-RMC with students and researchers from Engineering Programs at both Queen's and RMC working with Dr. Vlachopoulos. Students have the option of registering in MSc or PhD programs at Queen's or RMC.

Dr. Vlachopoulos has a diverse team and is always searching for graduate students with a track record of academic excellence to join his team.  

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